Holy Baptism is the entrance into the family of disciples called the Church by water and the Word through the Holy Spirit. An indissoluble bond with Christ is created and we are given new and present life, the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of a future beyond this life. And, we make a promise with God: To Walk in Love as Jesus loved us.” Both adults and children (including infants) are baptized as Christians (not as Episcopalians). Baptism is offered to all adults, as well as to children or grandchildren of those in the church community
Along with sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, the Eucharist is a part of every Sunday service. Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” We are thankful that Jesus is present in the bread and wine we share as a community. Also, we remember that Jesus died for us and for all the world, our sins are forgiven, and we will have a life with God for all times. Finally, we know we are strengthened to live as disciples that “go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.”
The outward sign of Confirmation is the laying on of hands by a bishop that reveals God’s grace of strength from the Holy Spirit to live as a disciple of Jesus. Here the person who has been previously baptized tells the Church of their desire to live in the promises of their baptism, make a mature commitment to Jesus and serve God and others.
St. John’s has been blessed with a beautiful church building and grounds for Holy Matrimony services. We understand marriage is a sacramental rite entered into and lived out within a community of faith. Therefore, we celebrate marriages for our members and relatives. However, if you're not actively engaged in the life of the parish, plea
St. John’s has been blessed with a beautiful church building and grounds for Holy Matrimony services. We understand marriage is a sacramental rite entered into and lived out within a community of faith. Therefore, we celebrate marriages for our members and relatives. However, if you're not actively engaged in the life of the parish, please contact our Rector to discuss your hopes and our expectations.
Most often this is within the context of the worship service on Sundays, but can be an individual choice in the presence of only a priest. Through our confessing our sins and hearing the words of forgiveness from the priest as being from God, our hearts can be changed and we can live according to God’s will.
Oil and/or laying on of hands are used to call upon God for the healing of mind, body and spirit. Please contact our Rector to request a visit to your friend or loved-one.
Even as we grieve, we believe in honoring and celebrating our loved one's life. We offer funerals or memorial services for parishioners and their family members. In addition to providing our sanctuary or memorial garden as a site for your funeral services, we are also available for pastoral counseling before, after, and at the time of de
Even as we grieve, we believe in honoring and celebrating our loved one's life. We offer funerals or memorial services for parishioners and their family members. In addition to providing our sanctuary or memorial garden as a site for your funeral services, we are also available for pastoral counseling before, after, and at the time of death.
The Memorial Garden at St. John’s was established for the burial of ashes in a common garden. Application for the interment of ashes may be made by the next of kin, or pre-arrangements may be made by contacting the Rector.
This is a public laying on of hands by a bishop to bestow the authority and grace of the Holy Spirit upon persons called to special tasks in the Church. There are three Holy Orders: bishop, priest and deacon. Not all disciples are called to such tasks, but the Episcopal Church believes that all baptized persons are a part of the priesthoo
This is a public laying on of hands by a bishop to bestow the authority and grace of the Holy Spirit upon persons called to special tasks in the Church. There are three Holy Orders: bishop, priest and deacon. Not all disciples are called to such tasks, but the Episcopal Church believes that all baptized persons are a part of the priesthood of all believers, thus each are called by God to live and work for the sake of our world.
St. John's Episcopal Church - Chester
12201 Richmond Street, P. O. Box 3886, Chester, Virginia 23831, United States