Getting involved in a shared faith community helps all us to grow spiritually, deepen our Christian faith, and serve others with our God-given talents and gifts. Some of our service opportunities were paused during the pandemic, but many are now being reintroduced. Below are just a few ways to get involved:
The role of acolytes has a rich history dating back to 252 A.D., assisting with the preparation of the table. Today, acolytes play an important role by carrying crosses, banners, torches, and/or receiving the offering plates. Serving as an acolyte is often very rewarding and any member of the church can be an acolyte, regardless of age. Training sessions are held throughout the year.
The Altar Guild is a ministry of “quiet service”. Their work is behind the scenes, but a critical act of service to the church. This volunteer group provides reverent care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. They supervise the orderliness of the Books of Common Prayer and hymnals and are responsible for decorations of the sanctuary with flowers for weekly services as well as all baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other occasions. New members are always welcomed.
This ministry group is responsible for the upkeep of the interior and exterior of the church buildings, including the trimming of the bushes and shrubs, grass mowing, weeding, raking leaves and other miscellaneous outdoor work. Outdoor projects that need seasonal care include fertilizing and reseeding, cleaning the parking lot, mulching, and aeration. Would you like to allocate some of your time to enhance our building and grounds for all to enjoy? Help is always needed and appreciated.
So many of our fellow disciples benefit from the Caring Commission ministry. Homebound persons and others who may simply be feeling lonely or alone receive baked goods, personal cards, phone calls, or visits by lay visitors and clergy. Some members choose to gather weekly or monthly in prayer and fellowship while knitting comforting lap blankets for others. This ministry is truly for all of us and the opportunities to bring joy and comfort to others is endless. We hope that you will consider participating when you can.
The Communications Ministry focuses on keeping everyone informed and engaged at St. John's. If you enjoy helping to "spread the word" both verbally and visually, this could be a great ministry to join. Help us get our parishioners, new members, and area neighbors engaged with us at St. John's.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are chalice holders for Holy Communion and also often lead the Prayers of the People during Sunday services. If you would like to learn more, please contact us here. Our gifted Lectors serve the congregation by reading assigned Scriptures for each of our services. Preparing to read Scripture requires time for prayer, study, and practice. Those who serve as lectors bring so much to the reading with their voice and pause that people will automatically shift their attention to intently listen to every word.
At St. John’s, we welcome all who have an interest in using their voice to praise and glorify God. Our Choir enhances worship with a traditional, but varied, program of choral music. Various instrumentalists add to the total program throughout the year.
Music at St. John’s is led and accompanied by a mechanical action organ built by S. S. Hamill in 1885 and later restored and enlarged to 19 ranks by Wigton Pipe Organs, Inc. In 2018, an independent contractor with the Taylor and Boody Organ Company completely revoiced the organ helping to create a sustained tone that beautifully supports our choral and congregational singing. For additional information, please contact Aubrey Lindsey, our choir director and organist.
The mission of Parish Life is to plan and coordinate social and ministry activities for the parishioners of the St. John's family. Parish life activities often include the Lenten Supper, Parish Picnic, Fall Oyster Roast, Bishop receptions (after confirmations) and other special events. Members work closely with the Communications Ministry to ensure these special events and activities are well received and attended.
Helping newcomers feel welcomed is a vital ministry at St. John’s and gives us an opportunity to engage with those He sends to us. Anyone who is new to St. John’s, new to the Episcopal Church, or new to Christianity is always welcomed and encouraged to grow and learn in our supported community. Help others feel welcomed and join today.
When we acknowledge that Christianity is about a way of life, not simply a system of beliefs, we look to Jesus for inspiration about His way of relating to and serving others. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you,” Jesus said. As Christians, we strive to provide outreach services both near and far as opportunities arise. Whether we are serving the needs of our neighbors within the Chester community or meeting national or international interests, consider how you might be part of this ever-evolving ministry at St. John’s. Please contact us here to make us aware of outreach interests.
This group assists the Treasurer and Finance chair by helping the Church be good stewards of the monies entrusted to the Church to support ministries, maintenance and growth. If you're great with numbers and interested in helping the church continue to grow in its ministries by helping with regular pledge drives, this may be a good group for you!
The ministry of ushering can be summed up in a few words – making all feel welcomed. This ministry plays an important role of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries of the church. Volunteering your time means you are offering a warm greeting to all. You will also pass out bulletins, assist with seating, deliver the collection/offering plates to the altar, organize parishioners to receive communion, and close up church following the service.
St. John's Episcopal Church - Chester
12201 Richmond Street, P. O. Box 3886, Chester, Virginia 23831, United States